Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Have you ever worked out for several months and drastically changed your diet only to find that the scale hasn't budged or even worse, it's gone up? Bust out the calipers and take some measurements... STOP WEIGHING!!! 

The whole "Muscle weighs more than fat" thing is a true statement, SORT OF.... a pound is a pound so 1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat. However, muscle is more dense and takes up MUCH less space than fat.  
See for yourself!! 

Here is a great example of body composition in women. Take a look at how different 150 pounds can look depending upon diet and exercise. The woman on the far right clearly trains with weights and eats a very clean diet yet she still maintains 150 lbs. This is because she is muscular and dense. 
See.... when you are doing all of the right things, what the scale says does not matter!!! 

***There is always an exception so I will say this...
 If you are someone who only diets and does not resistance train or do any cardio, the scale CAN be an accurate measurement of your progress... This is because you are not doing anything that will change your body composition ie; lifting weights, running, etc... you are merely changing your eating habits which may help you lose some fat, but will not necessarily help you gain any muscle. 


  1. I completely agree with your post about body type and weight. Just because it says 150 (as in your example), doesn't mean that person would have an undesireable body type. It's what their body is made up of that matters. I've been saying this for's nice to see someone agrees with me!
